Saturday, May 11, 2013

My Addiction to Goodwill

So, I must admit my addiction to Goodwill.  My name is Katie and I am addicted to Goodwill.  I went again today. Today I made it out of the store with a peach sheer top by Anna, a homemade navy pencil skirt, a homemade green,teal, and navy patterned skirt, red dress pants by CSC, a brown cinched-neck top from Cato's a pair of shoes that look like they walked out of Michael Jackson's closet.  Oh, and I forgot the 80s vintage top, shoulderpads and all.  Why couldn't I leave that one alone?  No idea.  But now it has a home in my closet.

These might be the highlight of my week... Honestly.

This cardigan?  Goodwill.  

This top?  Goodwill.  Mustache not included.

Ugly Christmas Sweater?  You guessed it.  Goodwill.

 I love thrifted clothes.  There's no bigger and better place to find vintage clothing than Goodwill.  I love it because I can buy two armloads full of clothes and books and still not spend more than 20 dollars.  Goodwill supports my inner shopaholic and my wallet is grateful. 

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