Saturday, May 11, 2013

A Little About Me

My name is Katherine Cole and I have always been a writer.  I cannot remember a time when I was not jotting down notes, creating lists, or making my own characters and outrageous plots.  I have too many interests to name and too many hobbies to master.  To put it simply, my passion is teaching.  All of my hobbies and interests come together in teaching.  Currently, I teach sixth grade science at a local middle school.  My classroom is high in religious, ethnic, and social diversity.  I have learned so much from my students and perhaps I will share some of that here.  I am currently dating an amazing man who serves on a local sheriff's department.  Don't ask me how I managed to snag such a handsome man, because I honestly have no idea.  Recently I've become obsessed with redoing my wardrobe and decorating my apartment.  It's simply amazing to finally be out on my own and building my own career.  I also scrapbook nearly all major life events and like to take time to reflect and worship.  I'm sure you'll see several religious topics and posts on here.   I am not afraid to offend.  I am far from perfect, but I am passionate about the topics in which I believe.  I suppose the standard disclaimer of, "if you can't handle it, don't read it" applies here.   No topic is off limits with me.  I take all comments, suggestions, and criticisms, so feel free to contact me at any time with  anything you think I should know.   Now, with all of that said, I hope you enjoy reading my blog!

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